Lost and found
November 29, 2018
I was reminded the other day that I needed to get a 404 page done. So far, I have just been letting Github Pages do its job and present a Page not found page whenever a visitor types in a faulty URL, hits a broken link, or in any other way ends up on a page that doesn't exist on this site.
From Grunt to Gulp
November 23, 2018
As a long time user of the Grunt task runner, I was finally pushed to make the switch to Gulp. It happened at my new employer Fiwe where they favor Gulp and Webpack over Grunt.
Github now supports HTTPS for custom domains
June 18, 2018
A while ago I wrote about adding HTTPS to Github Pages using Cloudflare. And it was a long overdue task of mine that’s been on my todo list for quite some time.
Migrating to HTTPS
May 15, 2018
In February, Google announced that beginning in July with the release of Chrome 68, their web browser will mark all HTTP sites as "not secure".
Running Jekyll on MacOS High Sierra
April 16, 2018
So it was time to show my blog a little affection – you know, a little housekeeping involving updating development dependencies and other stuff like checking that build commands still run as expected.
Tags with Jekyll and GitHub Pages
March 15, 2016
Coming from the Wordpress world, I'm used to easily work with tags and categories for blog posts. However, tags aren't supported out of the box in Jekyll. Here is a nice Ruby plugin that will do the trick. But since my blog is published using GitHub Pages, and GitHub Pages doesn't allow Ruby plugins, I can't use this.
Syntax highlighting for Jekyll
March 13, 2016
Reading code isn't always that easy, which is why syntax highlighting is a good idea.
As stated on GitHub Pages, you can use Rouge out of the box with Jekyll. In Jekyll 3 and above, Rouge is the default syntax highlighter and works for 60+ languages.
Development and production settings for Jekyll
March 13, 2016
As I installed Google Analytics, I wanted to keep it from tracking pages on my local development web server. I found this neat solution by David Elbe, which lets med keep development stuff apart from production stuff. On GitHub Pages, jekyll.environment
is always set to production
Birth of a Blog
February 21, 2016
Four years ago, around this time of the year, I acquired this domain after keeping watch for a few years to see if it would be available. I installed a Wordpress site, as I had managed a few Wordpress sites before.